How to Create Favourite WhatsApp Contacts Shortcut on Home Screen

We have never counted the hours we spent using WhatsApp. And is that since birth was dedicated much of our lives to her, although on most occasions to send necessary messages or have an importance for our day to day.

And of course, WhatsApp is mainly people, they are the engine of the application really. Of course, if an instant messaging application does not have users who use it, very far will not come. That’s why we came to show you how you can put your favourite contacts on the home screen of the mobile.

Also Read: Download GB Whatsapp – The Best Whatsapp Alternative

Put your favourite contacts on the home screen

Some of us have hundreds of contacts registered in our phone,

create whatsapp contacts on home screen
create whatsapp contacts on home screen

however, we do not talk to all of them. Moreover, some of us do not remember the contact because we talk occasionally but in a very specific way. Typically, we call up and ask: ‘roll up and pass me the homework for tomorrow’ or ‘hey, you could do me a favour …’

That’s why we want to teach you how to have your favourite contacts in a much faster way than usual, and that is normal and we find them quickly.

How is it done? Let’s explain it now. The key is to have them on the home screen of our smartphone.

The following procedure will show you how to create shortcuts on your home screen and it’s very simple. Start the application and look for that contact that we want to add on the home screen of our smartphone. Once we have chosen, we long click on your chat and it will appear in the upper right corner next to the icon of the three points, we tap ‘Create shortcut’.

This way the profile photo of our contact will be transferred to the main screen of the phone. Now it is our decision if we want to move it from site or not, yes, the functionality is the same wherever it is. If we want to continue chatting with that person, simply click on his photo and we will enter the chat, that simple.

You now have no excuse to have your friends or family on the main screen of the phone. It can be very useful in cases of emergency or to quickly call who you want. Some of the great phones to try this with is the Huawei P30 Pro or Samsung Galaxy note. You can get these phones from Fonehouse at a very reasonable price.

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