Best Places to Point CCTV Camera – CCTV Camera Placement Guide

Security is an essential thing to consider for every home. Keeping your properties secure as well as the people in the house is very important. With improved technology, homes have become smarter, and technology to secure such homes have also become very smart.

Many homes have begun opting for CCTV cameras to secure their homes. With a lot of houses having CCTV cameras placed, very few of them have been able to have excellent security with them. This is because where and how you point your CCTV camera goes a long way in determining how effective it will be in securing your home.

So in this article, we shall be looking at some places where you can point your CCTV camera for effective capturing. However, before that, we shall be examining some helpful tips for CCTV camera placement. Ps. If you don’t yet have any security in place, check out this guide covering the best wireless CCTV system for home use.

CCTV Camera Placement Guide
CCTV Camera Placement Guide

Helpful Tips for CCTV Camera Placement

The first step to owning a secured home is to choose the best CCTV system that is suitable for your home. One which is quite easy to understand and operate. The next step is to accurately place the order. Wiring placement of your CCTV system makes it useful to the purpose it is to serve. Before the placement of your CCTV, you might want to go through these tips.

  • Run Some Background Check on the Home

Before installing a CCTV camera anywhere in the home, it is vital that you run a background check on the history of the house. In doing this, you can speak to past occupants of the house or previous homeowners as the history of breaking into the home. From this, you will be able to find out how often anyone breaks into the house and if there is a need for the placement of CCTV camera or not.

You will also from this background check, be able to access vital information that will help you keep you sensitive always. You can check the live feed of the CCTV camera placed in your house on your PC by syncing it with ZSight App for PC

  • Find out Vulnerable Areas in the Home

Close to running a background check on the home is to find out about the vulnerable areas of the house. If there has been a history of breaking into the house, then it is critical you find out the access areas that were used. It is from your knowledge of this that you will know how best to point your CCTV camera for efficiency. The vulnerable areas are the ones that need the CCTV system more than the less exposed areas.

  • Survey the Area To Be Sure It Is Weather Proof

Also, it is essential that you survey the potential regions you are likely to point your CCTV camera. This survey will help you to determine the safety or otherwise of the CCTV camera from both external and internal factors. You will want to be sure that wherever you are pointing your CCTV camera, such a place should be shielded from both rain and sun.

3 Best Places to Point Your CCTV Camera

CCTV camera Placement

Choosing the best places for CCTV camera placement is as important as selecting a good CCTV camera. And with taking into consideration the weak points on the home is very necessary alongside those places where these individuals target when breaking in. These places are where you should point your CCTV camera, and they include:

  • The Front Door of the Home

The Front door of every home is thereabouts the most accessible place to lawbreakers. This is most common with houses with very few entrance points. With this, pointing your CCTV camera at the front door of your house can be the right place to detect any criminal who breaks in or is trying to break into your home.

Also if you have a camera placement at the front door, you have full access to your home although you are not at home. You can check the live feed from the CCTV camera from anywhere by just using CamHi App for PC.

  • The Side and Back Doors

For homes that offer several door options, criminals always like to make use of these doors as opposed to the front door. This is because very less attention is paid to these side doors by homeowners. So to keep your home very secured from criminals, placing your CCTV camera to the front or back doors can be a very strategic location for improving security.

  • Garage and Backyard

It is possible that there are no costly or essential materials in your garage and as such you might think there is no need to point your CCTV camera there. However, criminals are known to always make use of parking and backyard to get into the homes they look to burgle. So your garage and yard can be perfect place for your CCTV camera placement.

Every smart home needs smart security, and that is what the CCTV system offers your home. However, beyond owning a CCTV camera, is know where and how best to point it. With this article, you should know where you can point your CCTV camera for optimal security.

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